Highlights of the day
The Meals
Lunch: 11:00
Taste: After nap
Meals details
For meals, the nursery work with the collective catering company API. The menus are prepared in advance by a dietician and the dishes are adapted to the age and the needs of the children. Meals are prepared according to specific hygiene rules.
The nursery uses the infant milk Blédilait.
Food diversification is done according to the rhythm of the child and in collaboration with the parents.

The Nap
Naps are staggered according to the needs of each child
For older children, the nap usually takes place after the meal around 12:30.
Nap details
Sleep is essential for the development of the child. Every child has their own needs for sleep. Therefore, the sunsets are staggered according to the needs.
Each child has a bed of its own, to keep its benchmarks.

The Cares
The Change
Learning about cleanliness
Basic hygiene
Care details
We mean by care, all the little moments of hygiene, like the washing of the hands or the exchange. These small times also meet the emotional needs of children.
We mean by care, all the little moments of hygiene, like the washing of the hands or the exchange. These small times also meet the emotional needs of children.
– The exchange
In addition to being a moment of care, the change is a privileged moment. It is a time of exchange with the adult where big and small communicate by smiles, words, gestures and daycare rhymes. Everyone takes the time to communicate. The child also discovers his body at this time.
– Learning about poverty
The acquisition of cleanliness can not be done without the agreement of the child. It is especially to observe the latter, to listen to him, to encourage him, to hear his request and to accompany him.
Each child evolves differently in this acquisition. Indeed, we follow the rhythm of the child without burning the stages, always taking into account the desire and the physiological capacities of the child.
– Basic hygiene
Daily hygiene is done through rituals. Children are asked to wash their hands before and after meals, after using the toilet and after dirty activities.

News and Blog
To always be aware of what’s happening at the daycare: changing schedules, personal,