contacter une crèche à Cornebarrieu

Contact a daycare in Cornebarrieu

Zone Blagnac – Colomiers


3 route d’Aussonne



Lundi-Vendredi : 7h30 – 18h45

Samedi – Dimanche :  Fermé


05 34 52 29 77

Jeux de Mots

Micro crèche Bilingue


3 route d’Aussonne


Frequently asks questions

Don’t hesitate to contact us, our team is at your disposal. However, before writing to us, take a look at our FAQ. You will most likely find the answer to your question.

We don't live in Cornebarrieu, is it possible to register our child in your micro-daycare ?

The structure is open to all families, no priority is given to families living or working on Cornebarrieu. So you can contact us if you are looking for a daycareon Blagnac, Colomiers, Montaigut or Aussonne, for example

My child has a disability or a chronic illness. Can I have access to a place in your micro-daycare?

The educational project aims to accommodate all children, regardless of their difference, difficulty and disability. The team works in close contact with the daycare doctor in order to set up an adapted reception organization. If all receptions are possible, professionals are required to study the situation on a case by case basis.
An individualized reception protocol (IAP) or a personalized reception protocol (PAP) will then be set up.

We don't speak English at home, is it a problem?

English is brought to children in a fun way even if its use is daily. Whether the child is already used to a foreign language or is totally new does not change anything. The whole team communicates with children in French and English and the acquisition of languages is done in a natural way.

What's the adaptation period ?

A period of adaptation is essential to allow the child and his parents to become familiar with the host structure. It allows professionals to establish links and benchmarks for the child. It is done before the entry of the child into the structure.
The adjustment period is usually planned over a week with the person (s) responsible for the child. It is done in a progressive way. Each adjustment period is adjusted to the needs of children and families.

What types of reception do you offer?

We offer several types of home:
– The regular reception: The needs are known in advance and are recurrent without minimum imposed duration. The children are known and registered in the structure according to a contract established with the parents on the basis of a number of hours per month, a number of days per week.
– Casual reception: The needs are not known in advance. They are punctual and are not recurring. The child is already known to the establishment and needs a home for a limited time, not renewing itself at a regular rate predictable in advance.
– Emergency reception: The child has never attended the establishment and for which the parents, for exceptional reasons, wish to receive an emergency reception only.

Pre-registration form

All fields are required

Day of the week requested

14 + 15 =